Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins Introduction, Gameplay, and player screenshots.

Project Alpha: Steel Truss Diorama

First diorama project to create a maintenance bay.

Hobby Tools and Supplies

Project tools, equipments, construction supplies that i came across during gundam building and papercrafting.

Master Grade 1/100 GP01-Fb Fullburner Gundam

Straight build of Master Grade Gundam 1/100 GP01-Fb. Includes work-in-progress and final build.

Starting my own blog

Just a preview on what to expect from this blog. About the owner and contents of Veni Vedi Vici.

Nov 29, 2011

Project Beta - pt2

I've become very lazy in uploading work in progresses since i was busy building kits and diorama in preparation for GBWC 2011 here in the Philippines. Two weeks I was up for 48 hours straight working on my entry. Well better late than never, here is the continuation of Project Beta, this diorama was used for my first ever entry this year.

After building the base and trusses the next component of the dio was made, the platform for the Gundam to stand on. I measured 2 pla plates. One was cut into patterns.

Then the other one will be used to mount the cut patterns into the base as shown below.

The platform was mounted on the styro base ( i am very sorry i was not able to take a picture how i mounted it) by putting holes on the stryro base and placing plastic rods/sticks. This will be the support and mounting of the platform. It looks like this after mounting.

The styrofoam was covered with tissue and glue to ensure that the paint will adhere on the surface. All styro parts were masked with paper and masking tape. The trusses was painted with chrome and the pla plates was primed before painting. The rest of the dio was hand painted. Some details like a tree and light post were also added. This is the finished Project Beta enjoy ^_^

The metal trusses was given a rust effect and platform was given some scratch effect for it to look like it was weathered. This diorama was used for my GBWC 2011 PH entry with my HG 1/100 Nataku Assault Custom.

courtesy of Club-Gunpla Bandai South Asia

Thank you for viewing! ^_^

Project Beta - pt1

Nov 2, 2011

Project Beta

I have started on an new diorama project, this time i will be using other materials taking some inspiration from Project Alpha for the steel trusses. Initially I made a base made of Styrofoam that can be bought in bookstores. Size and width will depend on how sturdy the base should be considering the weight of the details, the kit and any other add-ons.

Actual base 12 in X 12 in X 2 in
A metal truss was also added, the procedure in making the truss was the same method used in Project Alpha. A styro base was also used to elevate and mount the truss into place.

Another metal truss was mounted on a slanted slab and was cut. This will be the "unfinished truss"

Basically the design of the diorama will be a combination of metal and earth. The styro base will serve as the "earth" and the steel trusses for the :"metal". But to give the dio a more metal feel and to add texture. There is a provision for a metal base/platform. These will be created using pla plates. And will be discussed on the next post.

Thanks for viewing! ^_^

Project Beta - pt2

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